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Gold Bar

Wherever You Find People,
You Will Find Collections

Gold Bar

The Fine Art of Collecting
The first collections made by people probably involved natural things: leaves, stones, blossoms, and feathers. These things are still among the world's most collectible collectibles.

Collecting is a basic human need because it allows us to focus on order rather than chaos. Collections can make your heart pound, create unexpected curiosity in viewers, and perhaps win recognition for collectors that develop insights valuable to other people.

Scientists collect natural and forced interactions, philosophers collect ideas, and kids collect toys and baseball cards. Society itself is a collection of people defining what they feel they must do and respect as a group, and what they don't.
World War I vintage toy.

World War I vintage toy in a collection.
Even if a collection occurs as an accident of history, it has the potential to illuminate that moment in time. Any one assemblage might be discarded, and indeed, most collections are eventually neglected and destroyed. Sometimes what makes a run-of-the-mill collection valuable is its rarity. Imagine how treasured mankind's first nature collections would be today -- if only they had been preserved down through the ages.

So here you will find a collection of collections, each appealing to its owner, and each offered here because it might appeal to others. All collections presented here are for sale to interested buyers. This is your opportunity to create your own collection, or enhance your existing collection.

Gold Bar

Visit These Collections:

Presidential Autographs

The Georgia Collection

The Medical College of Georgia Collection

Rare and Unusual Western Art

Chinese Coca Cola Collectible

Vintage Western U.S. Ski Patches

Scouting Collectibles

Gold Bar

San Diego, California

If Interested, Contact Private Owners Directly For Details